Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Six Whens of Wine

I am in the throes of making a wire tree under the tuteladge of a true artist. Earnest has been crafting trees out of wire for 40 years and agreed to let a small group of us sign up for a four-week class. Once a week, we twist and twist and twist and then take a break for nuts and sweets and coffee and wine. Since I had my camera I couldn't resist snapping this advice about wine. If you would like to see our teacher's handicraft you can go to his website at Earnest is truly a renaissance man. Besides being an artist he is a Lutheran minister, a master chef, a very patient teacher and no telling what else that I don't even know about! I promise to post a photo of my finished tree. Today I did some homework twisting during the Super Bowl - a pretty exciting game. Right now the score is Saints 16 and Colts 17. I am rooting for the Saints since they have never won a Super Bowl.
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1 comment:

  1. Having the tree-sculpturing ladies around our dining room table on Wednesday evenings is really fun AND inspiring. I too may one day try to sculpt a tree!
    Jo Brooks, wife to the wire-tree maker
