Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Purple Bicycle Book Club and Terrorist Society

Howdy Doody,   Apparently it has been 6 years since my last confession, I mean, post.  This is a test to see if I can still operate on this site after such a long delay in cyberspace. I am considering starting a virtual book club for my three very adorable grandchildren where we might converse about books we are reading. SSSSHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhh! They are getting lots of books for Christmas, complete with book marks where they can give a rating for each book.
     Whadaya say Amber, Owen and Isaac. Are you interested? I can't HEAR you. That must be because it is not yet Christmas and you have not received your book marks. I'll just have to be patient, won't I? I still have a few books to read before Christmas and some book marks to make, so I'd best be peddling away now.