Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Photo of the Photographer and Her Photo

So what has Purple Bicycle been up to lately? Well, obviously, not much
Purple Bicycle blogging and not a lot of PB Riding. This was taken at the
opening of a photo show at The Morgan Hill House. I had 3 photos accepted
and this one, my favorite, actually ended up being sold (my first sale of a
photo). It is of El Toro Mountain with Llagas Percolation Pond and
California Poppies in the foreground.


  1. Well, are you having fun, or WHAT! So glad for you and John -- retirement looks like it agrees quite well with you :-)

  2. Yes, 7 and a half years later, I am still having fun. Just preparing to revamp this site as a book club. Dear Anon Amos, are your AKA initials & numeral G6K?
