This is a shoot I did when I came up with the idea of using my old Kodak Brownie Hawkeye as a still life subject for the Morgan Hill Photo Club's February Still Life theme, . The old photos are from 1914 through sometime in the 1940s. I think that this is possibly the first time my father's photo has been posted on the web. He passed on in 1993 and would have been fascinated by all the changes in technology since then.
March arrives tomorrow and the theme is reflections. Stay tuned...
Saturday, February 28, 2009
A Photo History
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Hey, Purple Bicycle, got your ears on?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Shy Still Life with Poppy Jasper Scarf
Here's my other Still Life. Looks like part of the photo is getting cut off on the Purple Bicycle Blog. Oh, well, such is Still Life... I knitted this scarf for a singing group I was in. We were called the Poppy Jasper Singers. Alas, our leader deserted us to go live on a tropical island and teach steel drumming. She now has her own idyllic Steel Life!
Reclining Venus
This is one of my postings on Morgan Hill Photo Club's flickr site. February's theme is Still Life. She is named Venus as in Venus de Milo, since she has no arms. Alas, as of this morning, she only has one leg: John sliced up the other one onto his Honey Nut Cheerios. I guess even Still Life is fleeting...
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Salt & Pepper Schnauzer
Here's Maggie Mae who just turned 11 on Valentine's Day 2009 (that's 77 in dog years but she is still frisky).
We recently joined the Morgan Hill Photography Club and this is a posting from the flickr site. January's theme was black and white.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Rain and Snow
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
A Wet Day in Purple Bicycle Land
I had the day off today but it was too wet to get out on the Purple Bicycle. I did get in 42 minutes of treadmill time. Just started a new book Love Walked In. Pretty good so far. At least it kept me on the treadmil 42 minutes.
Found it last week at the library during the 3rd annual Silicon Valley Crossword Puzzle and Sudoku Tournament. The guy who won the crossword contest had on the first crossword puzzle sneakers I had ever seen. Apparently he won last year too. Gotta get me some of those sneakers.