This spring I headed into Bed Bath and Beyond to get a new deep pocket sheet
As I entered BB&B there was a display of kits for growing upside down tomatoes at $7 something each. I had a 20% off coupon so I decided to make it a two B day: bed (sheets) and beyond (tomato kit).
Planting was pretty easy. No hole to dig.
Watering is easy. It goes in a hole at the top. But watering is pretty crucial. Almost daily watering seemed to be necessary. There were some occasions of uneven water supply when I was out of town so the production seemed to be somewhat affected.
You can place two tomato plants in one container but I didn't read that part of the instructions until after I had already planted just one.
The container is hanging from the southeast corner of our deck and probably gets about 8 hours of sun a day. I have just now started getting a few tomatoes. The shapes are a little strange but they taste fine. I don't remember what variety it was - something ordinary from Rite Aid I think.
Will I try it again? Probably, especially if I can use this same container again.
I wondered how that worked. Gotta try it Love all your stuff.