Tuesday, November 24, 2009
A Sort of Wide Spot in the Road
No, I did not travel this highway on my Purple Bicycle. We are on a road trip to Arizona and I was standing out in the middle of the actual Historic Route 66 somewhere in northern Arizona. We have been doing posts on our retirement blog. If you would like to follow along with the trip we are still on, you can just log onto www.twooldbuzzards.blogspot.com. There are lots of descriptions of our adventures and tons of pictures - lots of cactus and petrified wood and painted desert and Canyon de Chey.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Double Your Fun
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Christening Day
Friday, August 28, 2009
Upside Down Gardening
This spring I headed into Bed Bath and Beyond to get a new deep pocket sheet
As I entered BB&B there was a display of kits for growing upside down tomatoes at $7 something each. I had a 20% off coupon so I decided to make it a two B day: bed (sheets) and beyond (tomato kit).
Planting was pretty easy. No hole to dig.
Watering is easy. It goes in a hole at the top. But watering is pretty crucial. Almost daily watering seemed to be necessary. There were some occasions of uneven water supply when I was out of town so the production seemed to be somewhat affected.
You can place two tomato plants in one container but I didn't read that part of the instructions until after I had already planted just one.
The container is hanging from the southeast corner of our deck and probably gets about 8 hours of sun a day. I have just now started getting a few tomatoes. The shapes are a little strange but they taste fine. I don't remember what variety it was - something ordinary from Rite Aid I think.
Will I try it again? Probably, especially if I can use this same container again.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Meandering on My Purple Bicycle
To the left of the sunflowers was a trailer that seemed to have a stuffed animal near it. As I prepared to photo the stuffed ram it eventually moved. I made my way closer to the trailer to see if I could block out some of the stuff surrounding the ram.
That's when
I noticed that "He" was a "she" who obviously
Ewe just never know what you will notice while on a bike ride!
Ewe see the coolest things on a Purple Bicycle
day and stopped to take a photo of a sunflower in a field close to a
trailer house. There seemed to be a stuffed ram to the right of the
trailer. No one was around so I went closer to take a photo. As I was
focusing on the ram it moved its head. Then I noticed that "he" was a
"she" and was ready to be milked. There was nothing between us but
space so I ventured a bit closer to get a better photo and block out
some of the "stuff" around the trailer. This was on Middle Avenue
between Monterey Road and Olive Avenue. I would not have noticed
either the sunflowers or the ewe from a car.
Monday, August 17, 2009
A Biker's Lunch
City Boy goes on a bike ride and to lunch.
A ramp to nowhere... nowhere dry...anyway...
Made it back on and off the Purple Bicycle yesterday with no mishaps.
First was a ride to the place where I fell week before last. I wanted
to see if I dented the pavement. To my surprise, it was dirt covered with an
inch or two of pine needles. And no visible dents. I proceeded on the
nice shaded trail I had been headed to two weeks ago and made my way
to Llagas Creek. I picked some blackberries to go with the rest of my
lunch of fruit, nuts and a cheese stick. Once I was seated at my
favorite spot by the pond I decided to photograph my snacky lunch
before digging in. OK, I admit that the folded napkin might have been
a little bit of overkill but I did want to stage a nice photo. City
Boy was good company. I love to lunch while reading. My left view was
Purple Bicycle. The pond and a newly installed ramp into the pool were
the view to my right. A delicious lunch! The berries were a nice
addition to the plums. Just another day in paradise!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
The Al Bundy Chronicles
This is from a photo shoot that Jennifer and I staged after she kept noticing Owen's uncanny resemblence to Al Bundy.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Self-Portrait of a Purple Bicyclist
What do you get when a purple bicyclist falls off of her purple bicycle?
A really big purple bruise! It seems that the helpful guys at the
bike shop moved the seat up a few inches while installing my new
baskets. On my first ride afterwards I noticed that the seat seemed
higher but decided to give it a try since I was in a hurry to get to
an exercise class at the CRC. When I pulled over to a curb to get off
and walk purple bike up onto the sidewalk my foot didn't reach down to
the pavement in the way I was used to. Too late! I was trapped up on
the too high seat as the purple bicycle and I both tumbled onto the
hard hard pavement. The really good news is that I didn't break
anything but have just been very slow-moving for about a week and a
half. The purple bicycle seat has been lowered and I am ready to get
back on the purple horsey tomorrow. And no, I didn't make it to the
exercise class on that ill-fated day. But Purple Bicycle and I did
make it home without having to be towed. So, all in all, life is still
very good and my purple bruise is getting smaller and my muscles less
sore every day.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Male Fashion Plate
as stylin' as Amber's. What a dreamboat!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Twinkle Twinkle Little Isaac: The Potty Chronicles
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
BEHOLD they wrapped Isaac in swaddling clothes...
Here's what happened when 2-year old Isaac got his wish to experience swaddling like he has been observing for a week now on his new baby bro and sis. He quickly decided that he did not like it, NO, NOT ONE BIT, GET ME OUT OF HERE!
Try it out here: http://picasa.google.com/
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Isaac with Owen and Amber
We are doubly blessed with the safe arrival of Owen and Amber on July 16, 2009 (the birthday of their Great Great Grandmother Angie Roberts Alldredge in 1900). Two-year-old Isaac is such a wonderful big brother. The 'rents Jen and Tony are doing well and it is a pleasure to be able to be available for a couple of weeks to help out. So now I NOW have TWO favorite grandsons and ONE favorite granddaughter! What fun is in store for all of us!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Our Favorite Daughter with Our Favorite Grandson
Jennifer finally used her birthday gift certificate
for a Cooling Cucumber Foot Massage with Free
Babysitting Included. When she called to redeem
it she found out that the spa has moved and
downsized and is now just a beauty shop.
So I offered to give her a massage at
Lalalalalala Lavender Spa.
She even got an upgrade
to include a pedicure in the services.
I had fun transforming her old room into a spa
with yummy scents and relaxing music.
So, after lunch, as soon as storytime
by Nana was over, sweet Isaac dove into
naptime and dreamland long enough for
Jennifer to be pampered for an hour or so.
Apparently she loved it because she has
made a tentative return appointment
for next Tuesday (the day before her scheduled C-section).
In the top photo Jennifer was showing off her
built-in hands-free device for transporting
Bottom photo:
Stripes - what a
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Another beautiful day in Morgan Hill. Loquat season seemed to come and go more quickly than usual this year. I think it is because the squirrels have discovered that they like this prolific fruit. When I decided to harvest some loquats to perch on the frame of the mirror I could only find three of them. The squirrels have been harvesting most of the almonds for several years but this is the first time I've ever noticed them eating loquats. One day it was especially noisy in one of the loquat trees as the squirrels and a bluejay were scolding each other over just whose loquats they were. I stayed out of it.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Eskimo Nose Kiss
Here is my favorite son-in-law Tony with favorite grandson Isaac. I love seeing their red-headed profiles. Jennifer and I were on our way to book group so I got to their house early enough to have a short birthday visit. It was Isaac's official birthday (6-29-09) . His two-year-old birthday party was a couple of weeks ago just in case the twins decided to arrive before July. I am trying out the soft focus feature in Picassa. I sort of liked it on this photo since, to me, the important part is the noses touching. Actually, I just noticed that it looks like they are sharing the same nose.
Friday, July 3, 2009
A Favorite Garden Snack
Easy 2-ingredient recipe:
Stuffed Nasturtiums
1 to 11 tomatoes
An equal number of nasturtium blooms
Pick ripe or almost ripe cherry tomatoes.
Pluck some nasturtiums, any color
Wrap nasturtium petals around a tomato and pop
the whole thing into your mouth.
Crunch down and enjoy a zingy treat!
Now you should be energized enough to pull some more weeds.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Perfect Summer Days 1962 and 2009

Thursday, May 28, 2009
What Would God Wear?
This is the sentiment on a t-shirt available on the internet. I find it strangely appealing but have not yet placed my order. I decided not long ago that I have more t-shirts than I could ever wear out in this lifetime. Let me know if you are interested in finding the site (my sneaky way of getting some comments). AND it just happens to be on CLEARANCE. How can you afford NOT to get one either for yourself or some deserving giftee?
Monday, May 4, 2009
Poppies, Poppies, Poppies
Saturday, May 2, 2009
A Rich Young Man (er, um, ah, Easter Bunny)
Or something to that effect. I can't locate the exact quotation, wouldn't you know, but I was very struck by it. I can't imagine a greater pleasure than observing what wonderful parents our grandchild has.
Isaac had fun exploring the Easter Basket Nana and Pawpaw brought. Then it was time to see what one of the other Easter Bunnies had hidden outside. His 'rents wanted him to gather all the eggs into his basket before opening them. But Isaac was on Isaac Time. As he found each egg he paused to open it and test or taste the insides. I suspect that will change in the next few years when there is competition for the eggs by his soon-to-arrive siblings.
When I was there last week I picked up a book called Wheels on the Bus and asked Isaac if he would like to have me read it to him. "No" he said. So I started singing the song. Soon he went over to the bookshelf and picked out a book about Twins that we had given him. What a joy to read to such a cute and attentive audience!